Say Yes
Have you been living too much of your life in a zone of wanting safety? Do you have the desire to cling to the need to feel in control? I know what that feels like. I spent a lot of my life too afraid to dive deep into authenticity and face my fears. A lot of this came from fear of judgement from others. The problem is, the more we desire to feel safe and comfortable the more stirred up our hearts and souls can feel on the inside. The safety zone is not where living takes place. I learned this year though facing my biggest fears, that its only when we are uncomfortable that true growth and magic can happen. It takes breaking your routine, trying new things, stepping out into new territories that push you. What can you start with today to begin something new? Try a new restaurant, talk to someone at the grocery store, even take a different route home from work. Start, then start again and again until it becomes a new habit. It takes starting to begin to live adventurously, live boldly, embrace your fears instead of running from them. I know how scary it can be, but even a baby step in the direction of living is worth taking. Bold steps can stir up your relationships, cause judgement, be met with negativity from others but if there is something your soul has been longing for, take the bold step. Move in the direction of the life you want to live. It’s your life, you get to choose what you do with it. No one knows how you feel on the inside but you. No one knows what you suffer with, how you hold back, what you dream about that you may be too afraid to say out loud. You know all these things, you have all the answers inside of you. So let’s begin living. Right this second make the decision to do something today that pushes you, and then do it again. You deserve to live a life with magical moments. Create the magic by embracing the unknown without hiding from it. Snap your soul, snap your life.